Our Services

Others (Integrated Fly Management)


If ten mosquitoes bite each person per night in Chennai, the city is losing approx 300 litres of blood per day !! Mosquitoes includes Anopheles, Culex, Aedes

Mosquito Management Measures includes-
Eggs & Pupae - can not be killed due to the non feeding stage and thick cuticle coat covering. Larviciding: Spraying of Larvicide to the breeding sites viz drains, ditches, septic tanks, cess pools, storm water, etc non - potable water stagnant areas.


  • Fogging- Thermal fogging to prevent the entry of flying insects and to reduce the present population.
  • Indoor Residual Spraying(IRS) - Spraying inside the premises on all the walls and other resting areas of mosquitoes.


Upto 10,000 flies can emerge from just 1 kg of manure

House fly - Musca domestica
Houseflies are known to harbour over 100 different kinds of diseases causing pathogens A single housefly in its life time lays approx. 900 eggs

Control Measures-

Good sanitation is the basic step in any fly management program.
Food and materials on which the flies can lay eggs must be removed, destroyed or isolated from the egg-laying adult.
Since the house fly can complete its life cycle in as little as seven days, removal of wet manure at least twice a week is necessary to break the breeding cycle.
Since straw is one of the best fly breeding materials, it is not recommended as bedding. Wet straw should not be allowed to pile up in or near buildings.
Spilled feed should not be allowed to accumulate but should be cleaned up two times a week.

The control measures can be done broadly classified into:


Fly Control baiting complimenting the spraying


Cimex lectularius Bed bugs are found in Tufts, seams, folds of mattresses,bed covers, Windows & door casings, picture frames, cracks in plasters or paints, Bed springs, Sofas used for sleeping etc.

To control bed bugs following measures to be taken :-


Wood Borer Management services
Lizard Management Services